Hi, I’m Yanna Lin
I am now a Postdoc at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, supervised by Prof. Huamin Qu in the VisLab. I obtained a Ph.D. degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. My PhD was awarded Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme and HKUST RedBird Academic Excellence Award. Before joining HKUST, I received a Bachelor’s Degree in the Software Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, ranked 1/447.
My research interests include data visualisation and human-AI collaboration. I focus on designing intuitive interfaces and developing algorithms to enhance data communication and analysis, and facilitate data-driven decision-making.
I am on the job market now. Please contact me if you have any relevant positions or opportunities:)

Designing Spatial Visualization and Interactions of Immersive Sankey Diagram in Virtual Reality

DMiner: Dashboard Design Mining and Recommendation

InkSight: Leveraging Sketch Interaction for Documenting Chart Findings in Computational Notebooks

Saliency-aware color harmony models for outdoor signboard

Let Every Seat Be Perfect! A Case Study on Combining BIM and VR for Room Planning
*:equal contribution2021